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Abstract Topic: Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability

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Apokalips Lakardowo: Ecocritical Analysis in The Film "Lakardowo Mencari Keadilan"
(a) Abdul Basid, (b) Aulia Maulida

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Abdul Basid

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Jalan Gajayana No 50 Malang 65144,
Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Human-nature interaction today enters a worrying stage. Film as a literary work began to record this interaction. The film LakardowoMencariKeadilan to be one of them. To explain it, this research uses content analysis method with an ecocritical approach. This film is a research primary data source supported by various related references. The analysis emphasizes the study of environmental literature which focuses on apocalyptic studies with pastoral views that surround it through Creswell spiral analysis methods: data management, reading and memoing, classification and interpretation, then data visualization. In this research, through pastoral reading, the desire of the Lakardowo community was found to be able to live side by side with nature. While the anxiety of the Lakardowo community is known through apocalyptic readings in its elements: the elements of the apocalyptic environment shows that the Lakardowo environment has a water content that is not suitable to use because it is contaminated with a heap of processed B3 waste of PT. Putra RestuIbu Abadi (PRIA), the element of a hero figure by Mrs. Sutamah as a representative of housewives who want a better life for their children and grandchildren as well as an element of vision or prophecy.

ecocritical, film, lakardowo, nature

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Collaborative Governance in Slum City Arrangements
Bintan Aulia Habibah, Panji Windu Arista, Ramaditya Rahardian

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Bintan Aulia Habibah

Master of Public Policy, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to find out the process of collaborative governance in the urban slums structuring the study of the Kampung Pelangi of Surabaya City. Based on the objectives to be achieved, this research includes the type of qualitative descriptive research that presents and provides a detailed description of the collaboration process in the arrangement of slums in the city of Surabaya. The research sites were in the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency, Surabaya City Green Sanitation and Spatial Planning Office, Surabaya City Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, Public Works and Highways Office, and Kedung Cowek Urban Village. The technique of determining informants used a purposive technique. The method of data collection in the form of direct observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies with the technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation techniques. Collaborative governance is a process of public management and public policy making in order to implement public policies in which there are multi-organizational structures, actors outside the government, public bodies at each level, and the private sector to regulate public programs or assets that cannot be solved alone by the government. This study uses the collaborative governance theory of Anshell and Gash, starting condition, institutional design, facilitative leadership, and collaborative processes. The results of this study indicate that the collaboration process between stakeholders runs effectively. The result of this collaborative governance is the creation of the Kampung Pelangi for a new tourist destination in the city of Surabaya.

Collaborative Governance, Slum City Arragements, Kampung Pelangi

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


COMMUNITY BASED DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE CITY: Study of The Effectiveness of Slum Area Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK Program) in Empowering Its Target Communities
Yola Ristidarahma(1), Sulikah Asmorowati, S.Sos., M.DEVSt.(2*), Ph.D, and Dr. Eko Supeno drs., M.Si.(3)

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Yola Ristidarahma

1) Student of Master of Public Policy, Airlangga University, City of Surabaya, Indonesia

2) Lecture of Public Policy Master-s Degree Program, Airlangga University, City of Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author

3) Lecture of Public Policy Master-s Degree Program, Airlangga University, City of Surabaya, Indonesia

This paper aims to examine the effectiveness Slum Area Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK program) has empowered its target communities to improve social economic walfare based on community participation. This research is important because it is densely populated in urban areas that cannot be separated from the problems of slums and poverty. To overcome the problem of slums and poverty, the Surabaya City government created an innovation, namely the Slum Area Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK Program) . With a some of purpose including improving the quality of the socio-economic life of poor families in slum areas and improving the quality of residential environments. The RSDK program is run by the Social Service Office of the City of Surabaya by involving the Surabaya Mayor Regulation Number 41 of 2015 concerning the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Surabaya City RSDK Program. The RSDK program is a Community Based Development (CBD) program to empower local residents so that they can improve their socio-economic and environmental conditions independently and sustainably. This program is formulated and implemented using a bottom up approach where the implementation of activities in the field is carried out at the initiative and aspirations of the community. This research employed qualitative descriptive approach involving observation, documentation, and interview at least 7 informant. This paper focuses on the effectiveness of implementing the RSDK program as an effort to empower the community to create social and economic welfare. The findings reveal that the RSDK Program has been running well from 2003 to the present but is still within the scope of physical improvement of the home environment. Data shows that the RSDK Program has not yet achieved other goals, namely the realization of Community Based Development in order to improve the quality of residential environments, especially the socio-economic conditions of the community, especially in poor families and the goal of community empowerment with the creation of small businesses to support the family economy.

Slum Area Social Rehabilitation Program, Community Based Development

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Ramaditya Rahardian, Antun Mardiyanta, Erna Setijaningrum

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Ramaditya Rahardian Daneswara

Public Policy Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Airlangga University, Surabaya

Lakardowo Village Jetis subdistrict is a village located in Mojokerto Regency, East Java, in the village there is an industry of hazardous and toxic waste treatment (B3) managed by PT. Putera Restu Ibu Abadi (PT. PRIA) stood on the recommendation of Environmental Permit Number SK.437 / Menlhk-Setjen / 2015 Year 2015. The provision of the environmental permit policy has a negative impact in the form of marginalization of the Lakardowo village community, especially the contamination of water which is commonly used for daily living needs and the outbreak of disease in the community surrounding the waste treatment plant area. The research in this article seeks to analyze the marginalization of the Lakardowo village community as a result of the impact of the policies made. The research method in this article uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The technique of determining informants is done by purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile for data collection techniques carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. Finally for data analysis using data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. The findings in the field show that 1) The form of marginalization felt by Lakardowo villagers is the pollution of drinking water and daily necessities, (2) in facing the marginalization Lakardowo villagers form a Pendowo Bangkit organization (Awakened Lakardowo Population Group). The aim of obtaining healthy environmental rights until now is still not achieved and continues to be championed by the community groups that have been formed. In a government that upholds democratic values, public policies made by the government are ideally products that originate from a dialogue between a government and the general public

Democratic Governance, Marginalization, Hazardous and Toxic Waste

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Designing a Framework of Green Supplier Selection, Case Study: Power Plant Industry
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono (a*), Nugroho Priyo Negoro (a), Sofia Ramadhani (a), Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa (b)

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Dewie Saktia Ardiantono

a) Department of Business Management, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111
b) Department of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60286

Supply chain management has an important role in conducting business. Meanwhile, the companys challenge is not always about supply chain, but also derived from environmental issues. Companies that have no concern on environmental issues could be rejected by the public and get fine from the government. Green supply chain management is the answer to these two requirements. One strategy that could be recommended for green supply chain management is to give attention to environmentally friendly suppliers or green suppliers. Green suppliers can reduce the risk of delays in the production process, provide benefits such as minimizing costs and improving quality, and supporting the value of the environment. In case of power plant industry, PT. Pupuk Indonesia Energi (PIE) is one of companies that needs framework to assess suppliers both in general and environmental aspects based on four conditions. First, PIE in 2019 will be fully responsible for the plant for PIE production activities including supplier selection. Secondly, PIE is bound by contracts with customers. If PIE does not provide products in accordance with the contract agreement, PIE could be fined. Third, PIE has environmental values in running out its business as stated in PIE mission and K3LH policy. Last, PIE has the general principle of procurement that is required to assess suppliers to be able to answer the companys needs and be accountable. Designing the framework will involve Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to get the weight of each factor and sub-factor for the assessment of the green supplier. The results showed there were seven factors and 26 sub-factors needed to form a green supplier assessment framework.

Analytical Hierarchy Process, Green Supply Chain Management, Green Supplier Assestment

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Procurement of Legal Regulations For Good Ocean Sailing on The Bamboo Boats
Anandya Elsa Arira

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Anandya Elsa Arira

Post Graduate School, Universitas Airlangga
Jalan Dharmawangsa 30, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia

Bamboo boats are a means of transportation that began to develop along with technological advances. In addition, this is an effort to reduce the use of wood needed for deforestation. The application of bamboo boats must be with regulations regarding the safety or feasibility requirements of the ships sea associated with the safety of both goods and passengers. Thus, empirical research methods are the choice for reviewing these regulations. The incorporation of articles on Government Regulation Number 51 of 2002 concerning shipping and Shipping Law Number 17 of 2008, Ministerial Regulation Number 65 of 2009 concerning non-convention ship standards, and research on the nature of bamboo against water can be in accordance with the provisions.

Bamboo boats; Seaworthiness; Safety

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Rural Tourism Development Strategy in Community Sustainability in Randugenengan Village, Dlanggu District, Mojokerto Regency
Dewi Fitrotus Sadiyah (a*) , Nik Hariyanti (b), Juni Iswanto (c), Fausta Ari Barata (d)

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Dewi Fitrotus sadiyah

(a) Department of Administrative Science, FISIP, University of Jember, Indonesia.
(b) Institut for Islamic Studies (IAI) Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk, Indonesia.
(c) Faculty of Economy & Business University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia.
(d) Faculty of Economy & Business University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia.

Chocolate Village (Kampung Coklat) Majapahit located in Randugenengan Village, Dlanggu District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java is one of the tourist attractions that has a special attraction for the surrounding community. The existence of this village originated from Mulyonos inspiration, the owner of the factory and the chocolate village in Dlanggu, who looked at the success of the chocolate village in Blitar. The inspiration rose because of his concern with the farmers who failed to grow sugar cane and tobacco. Therefore, most of them were invited to shift to planting cocoa since 2012. In this research, rural tourism was developed to improve sustainable livelihoods using qualitative method. The research data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that there were about 1,337 farmers growing cocoa, whose results were taken to be processed in an independent chocolate factory. There were around 450 hectares of farmers land planted with cocoa. Of these, they can produce a range of 34 tons of peeled cocoa one month. Thus, the existence of rural tourism can improve the source of sustainable livelihoods. Therefore, it is considered essential to develop this type of tourism.

Rural tourism, sustainability, development

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Siamang Behavior: Comparison between behavior in the wild and in captivity
Nandang Bayu Giri*, Amy Jacobson^, & Myrtati D. Artaria*

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Myrtati D. Artaria

*Dept. of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
^Dept. of Anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA.

Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]

Siamang is a primate of one of the Lesser Ape species originating from Indonesia, and the numbers are becoming fewer, some live in captivity. We want to compare how they behave in the wild and in captivity. This research method used Hanson Checklist for observing grooming, locomotion, vocalization, roaming, nest making, food type, and the mother-child relationship. We observed 6 siamangs in captivity in Surabaya Zoo-- 4 females and 2 males, all adults. Comparative material is the behavior of siamangs in the wild; that we read from the literature. We observed the siamangs for a month, for 8 hours/day. Observation and the note-taking were carried out by the first researcher. We found that siamang in Surabaya Zoo differentiated from their peers in the wild in grooming, vocalization, roaming areas, and food preferences. Differences do not occur in terms of childcare, and nest making. We also noticed the agonistic behavior to the visitors, but not to the keeper and the researcher. We conclude that the behavior of siamangs in captivity changes, but some behavior do not change when compared to those in the wild. The reason is the strength of the environmental factors or the intrinsic factors that influence them.

siamang, captivity, behavior, intrinsic, environment

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


Sunkung Danso

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Sunkung Danso

Universities Airlangga

Urbanisation is expanding exponentially while the resources to help manage and provide social services is limited. UN-Habitats projected that 75% of the world population will be living in cities in next 30 years and in the same vein more than 5 times of the global GDP will be invested in urban infrastructure and its uses. The overall objective is to provide in-depth insight into urban ecosystem and establish linkage to biosphere through reducing greenhouse gas emission in order to enhance standard of living of inhabitants of the cities. The socio-ecological theoretical framework is used in this discourse as a guiding principle to help better understand the subtle of the subject matter. Some emphasis is placed on functionalist theory to establish the relationship between different parts of society and its environment. Consequently, qualitative methods were used in this article to give narratives and observation of the urban ecosystem. A detailed description and secondary data are used in these deliberations to give account of the severalty of urbanisation and how urban ecosystem can be a remedy to socio-ecological problems. In conclusion, urban ecosystem comes to address the environmental problems and climate change issues to become resilience by improving the wellbeing of the people. Urbanisation should be checked and managed to cater for the needs of the present with compromising the needs of the future generation to come.

Urban, ecosystem, ecology, sustainable, sustainability, climate change, Socio-ecological

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


The pattern of care for Javanese Gibbons (Owa-Jawa) in captivity
Shaniya Utamidata*, Erin Vogel^, Myrtati D. Artaria*

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Myrtati D. Artaria

*Dept. of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
^Dept. of Anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA.
*Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]

There has not been much research on Javanese Gibbons (Owa Jawa). There have been no studies on parental-care in Owa-Jawa, especially about rough-and-tumble-play. This is a means of parent learning to children to protect themselves from predators and to survive in the wild. We want to find out how the pattern of childcare in Owa-Jawa when they are in captivity. In searching for data, we used literature studies to find out about wild-life data on Owa-Jawa, and used observations to determine parenting patterns in captivity. Observations were carried out in ..., in West Java. We use habituation methods in gathering data. We found that the rough-and-tumble-play was also carried out by the Owa-Jawa father towards his female offspring, in captivity. We conclude that there is a difference in the pattern of care for Owa Jawa in the wild that we found in the literature from those data we found Owa-Jawa in captivity. We need further observation regarding the causes of changes in this parenting pattern.

Owa-Jawa, parenting patterns, pattern changes, primate survival, primate in captivity

Urban Ecosystem, Habitats and Sustainability


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